September 7, 2018
11-11 Infographic Project
The Story Behind the Once Once Audiovisuales Project When Alejandro Ortiz, owner of Once Once Audiovisuales (, approached me with a project idea to promote his...
Illustrations, illustrations, illustrations! From Traditional Illustration, to Digital Illustration, to 3D illustration, icons, caricatures, infographics, etc. Everything by yours truly: Oscar Blanco.
Make sure to visit "TOOLS & STUFF" in my Design Website MULTIPROCR.COM under the ABOUT menu item, to visit my BLOG, where you will find things like a Project Budget Calculator automated form, as well as resources to download (3d models, cliparts, etc).
[vc_empty_space height="24px"] Oscar Blanco.The Story Behind the Once Once Audiovisuales Project When Alejandro Ortiz, owner of Once Once Audiovisuales (, approached me with a project idea to promote his...